What activities do we fund?
Activities SKJAJA often funds:
School orchestra or band (through PLAY It Forward instrument program)
Recreational sports (baseball, football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, field hockey, etc.)
Sports camps
Tutoring or test prep
Day and overnight school field trips
Overnight summer camps
Summer/holiday day camps
Dance/creative movement classes
Art classes
Music and voice lessons
Swim lessons
Whatever inspires you!
Why after-school activities are important
Extracurricular activities are crucial to a child’s development and long-term success. Studies show that students involved in after-school programs have:
Improved school attendance and engagement in learning
Improved test scores and grades
A more positive impact on their self-concept and decision making
Reduced truancy and improved behavior in school
Opportunities to create additional peer and adult relationships
Researchers agree: Dropping out of school is a gradual process that typically begins years before a student even enters high school. Participation in all types of after-school activities – at every grade level – give students the opportunity to learn, grow and succeed.
Activities SKJAJA doesn’t fund
There are some activities or items SKJAJA does not fund:
Non-mandatory uniform requests (e.g: team warm ups)
Competitive sports teams (e.g.: AAU or travel teams)
Yearbook or prom fees
Testing fees – Note: We DO fund tutoring and test prep
College application fees
College admittance/acceptance days or orientation
International field trips
Any activities involving firearms
former SKJAJA Kid & SKJAJA Club Vice President, Chapel Hill High School Graduate, 2019