Why Enrichment?
SKJAJA is committed to closing the opportunity gap in Chapel Hill-Carrboro and ensuring every student has access to meaningful out-of-school enrichment activities. We believe that every child deserves to explore their passions and discover who they are in the world and outside the classroom.
Studies show that student participation in extracurricular activities:
Leads to increased self-confidence, self-efficacy and a higher self-concept
Improves learning engagement, school attendance, test scores and grades
Creates stronger peer relationships and provides important connections with adult mentors
Provides important life skills like goal setting, teamwork, problem solving, leadership, public speaking and time management
Provides productive breaks from academics for self-exploration and personal growth
As schools pivot and rebound from the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, extracurricular activities are even more essential than ever to the social, emotional and mental health of students in grades K-12. SKJAJA is committed to working with Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to support our youth through this transition and beyond.
Why Service-Learning?
At SKJAJA, we know that connecting to a greater cause than self, experiencing the joy of service and harnessing idealism to make a difference in one’s community is transformative. Research tells us that youth participation in service-learning:
Increases academic learning, critical thinking and problem solving skills
Increases personal efficacy, student agency and understanding of identity
Supports interpersonal development such as team work, leadership and communication skills
Reduces stereotyping and facilitates cultural and racial understanding
Increases social responsibility, activism and citizenship skills
We are proud to partner with CHCCS and community organizations on meaningful service activities that maximize impact on self and the community at large.

Opportunity Gap
SKJAJA is committed to increasing student agency and closing the opportunity gap for students in Chapel Hill-Carrboro. Below are some of the resources and research that have guided our work:
Racial Equity Report Card – Southern Coalition for Social Justice
Racial Equity Report Card for CHCCS – Southern Coalition for Social Justice
The Power of Student Agency: Looking Beyond Grit to Close the Opportunity Gap, Anindya Kundu
How Children Succeed, Paul Tough
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Is North Carolina’s Best School District—But Not So Much If You’re Black – Indy Week
The Geography of Racial/Ethnic Test Score Gaps – Stanford CEPA
Chapel Hill High School Teacher