Service-Learning Project ideas
Below are some ideas of service-learning projects. We also host SKJAJA Service Days which are group community service projects. Ask your school social worker or partner organization contact for details. Please call 919.929.9099 or email with questions, because SKJAJA believes, with support, we can help others no matter our own circumstances.
Kindergartners-2nd grade
Participate in a “SKJAJA Saturday”
Clean up school grounds or neighborhood
Plant garden at school or neighborhood
Assist neighbor with chores
Make cards for children or elderly in hospitals/nursing homes
3rd-8th grade
Participate in a SKJAJA Service Day
Make a gift for a new neighbor
Help younger student with homework
Pick up trash in neighborhood
Assist younger students with a project (help a 1st grade class plant a garden at school)
Volunteer or assist teacher after school
Babysit for free
Mow a neighbor’s lawn

9th-12th grade
Tutor other students
Assist teacher after school
Volunteer at a nonprofit including SKJAJA
Run a canned food drive or book drive for other children
— SKJAJA scholarship awardee